Board of Directors

The FUPOA Board of Directors consists of one elected officer from each campus, serving as representatives of their respective home campuses. This Board is comprised of ten Officers/Directors. Additionally, there is an Executive Board within the FUPOA, comprising the Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President positions.

Wade Stern

President (UC Riverside)

Eric Schneider

Vice President (UC Davis)

Kourtney Brown

Secretary (UC Merced)

El Khoury

Treasurer (UC Riverside)

Andrew Lopez

Director (UC Irvine)

Sal Gutierrez

Director (UC San Diego)

Jeff Chanchuan

Director (UC Los Angeles)

Arlene Samaniego

Director (UC Santa Barbara)

Steven Mercado

Director (UC Santa Cruz)

Stacee Jensen

Director (UC San Francisco)

Armando Diaz

Director (UC Berkeley)


Karla Rush

Vice President (UC Berkely)